
BTEC National Diploma Level 3 (Games Design), Redcar and Cleveland College

Redcar & Cleveland College logo on a white background
Game Design

BTEC National Diploma Level 3 Triple Grade: Distinction, Distinction, Merit

I chose to take a more specialized course when it came to selecting a college. Often, people chose to do A-level courses in the typical subject areas like Maths, Science, and so on. However I chose to go on a Games Design course as I had an interest in setting a direction along the Games Industry route. At the time, I knew it was pretty risky as the Games Industry is a difficult one to get in to. Though I also felt doing more of the traditional school subjects for another 2 years was very off-putting.

During this education, I got to try out different parts of Game Design, from 3D modelling, Art, Photoshop etc. Though I also had an interest in Programming, I often found during my spare time also working on games of my own, or working on side projects/websites where I basically self taught my way into making various solutions.

I was unfortunate to not get a Triple Grade Distinction, Distinction, Distinction; due to some life issues in the final part of the course which undermined my level of work. However a Distinction, Distinction, Merit was still a very good grade to get. This grade got me in to Teesside Univerity where I continued studying in Games Programming.