

Colourful lights in a Sponza scene

Using OpenGL in C++ to send out Vertex and Element buffers and variables required within the shader files to produce and light a Sponza scene. I had to implement the lighting, texture and anti-aliasing.

February 2013 | Download Binary (zip)

A recent hand in I have done is for 3D Graphics which required me to render a 3D model (Sponza), light and texture it. I used my tutor’s API to assist in this, however I handled a lot of the OpenGL in C++ such as sending out the Vertex and Element buffers, variables needed in the shader files as well as the code within the shader files.

In the end, I managed to implement:

  • Multiple light sources with Phone lighting
  • Using model data’s colour as well as specular texture
  • Making my own 3D model by writing the vertex positions for a Pyramid Shape
  • Applied a checkerboard pattern within the Fragment Shader
  • The Pyramids also have anti-aliasing

Feel free to download the binary and have a play around with the shaders, just open them in a text editor!